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4.4 ( 4544 ratings )
生活 购物
开发 Mazin Sukkar

Wanna sell something?
- Snap a photo or more of your item.
- Enter price & description.
- Your item will reach everyone near you and around the world.

Wanna buy something?
- Browse thousands of products available near you or pick any location in the world to check what is being offered there.
- Negotiate live with sellers or send them your best offer.

- Easy login with Facebook, Twitter or Google+.
- Offer your item as "Fixed Price" or leave Fixed Price button off to accept offers from buyers.
- You will be notified immediately of interested buyers and the amount they offered.
- Turn on "Exchange" button to accept trades. A lot of fun !
- Follow your favorite buyers and sellers.
- Like, rate, and comment on items you are interested in.
- User Verification by Cell Number, Email Address and Facebook.

Lets DEAL is a simple yet feature rich Geo Marketplace to Buy, Sell and Trade around your neighborhood or anywhere around the world.
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